자유 스크랩 썸네일형 리스트형 이라크 내전 4개의 시나리오 http://stonebird.co.kr/220049150943 더보기 시리아의 문화유산들, 위기 봉착! Growing concern over Syria heritage sitesBy Sylvia SmithBBC NewsAll six Unesco sites in Syria are now listed as "endangered" on the World Heritage listContinue reading the main storyRelated StoriesSyria's ancient sites 'in danger'Bahrain digs unveil one of oldest civilisationsBethlehem sites given UN statusA centre set up to recognise Arab cultural and natural heritage is beginning its work amid.. 더보기 시리아 분쟁 : 제네바평화회담 2014 1월로 예상 Syria conflict: Geneva peace talks set for JanuaryThe UN's Lakhdar Brahimi has been at the forefront of efforts to end the conflictContinue reading the main storySyria conflictArms destructionChemical stockpileQ&A: Geneva II'Please let it be over'UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said Syria's government and opposition will for the first time attend peace talks - in Geneva on 22 January.It wou.. 더보기 이란 핵협상 타결의 영향 - Nuclear Accord With Iran Opens Diplomatic Doors in the Mideast Nuclear Accord With Iran Opens Diplomatic Doors in the Mideast Jewel Samad/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images President Obama boarding Air Force One on Sunday. He said Saturday night that a final agreement with Iran “won’t be easy.” WASHINGTON — For President Obama, whose popularity and second-term agenda have been ravaged by the chaotic rollout of the health care law, the preliminary nuclear d.. 더보기 In Iran, Mainly Praise for Nuclear Deal as a Good First Step 출처: New York Times 결국 핵 협상이 타결되었음! 이란 내에서는 이번 협상에 대해서 엄청난 찬성과 환호의 여론이.... 덩달아 Rouhani 대통령에 대한 지지도도 높아졌다네..(뭐.. 당연한건가......) 그런데 확실히 이번 이란 핵 협상에 대해서 국제적 관심이 장난 아닌가봄! CNN이나 New York Times 들어가니까 Home에서 부터 관련 기사들이 수두룩함! (뭐,, 이것도 당연한건가...) 근데 스크랩 어떻게함?ㅠ 이거 하나하나 스크롤 내려가면서 캡쳐한거임 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 더보기 Major Syrian rebel groups join forces 시리아 반군 연합 형성! Major Syrian rebel groups join forcesSeven Islamist armed groups dissolve and form the largest alliance battling President Bashar al-Assad's forces.Basma Atassi 22 Nov 2013 Seven major Islamist rebel groups battling President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria have announced a merger to form an "Islamic Front" and pledged to build an Islamic state in a post-Assad Syria.Friday's merger is dubbed a.. 더보기 이란의 원자 프로그램.. 핵이냐 평화냐? -중동의 핫이슈 Iran nuclear talks: Kerry to join foreign ministers in Geneva ⇒ Jeremy Bowen says the negotiations represent "war and peace" for the Middle East US Secretary of State John Kerry is heading to Geneva to help negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran. The foreign ministers of Germany, the UK, France and China are also expected, amid hopes of an agreement that would see Iran curb uranium enrichment in ret.. 더보기 결국 유혈사태가 나고야 만 이집트.. 진짜 슬프다 August 14, 2013Hundreds Die as Egyptian Forces Attack Islamist ProtestersBy DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK CAIRO — Egyptian security officers stormed two encampments packed with supporters of the ousted president, Mohamed Morsi, on Wednesday in a scorched-earth assault that killed hundreds, set off a violent backlash across Egypt and underscored the new government’s determination to crush the Islamists wh.. 더보기 시리아 정부와 반정부연합의 제네바 평화 회의 가능성 - 내전 종식의 물꼬? http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/25/world/middleeast/syria.html?smid=pl-share Russia Says Syria Will Attend Geneva Peace Talks MOSCOW — The Syrian government has agreed to participate in an international peace conference coordinated by Russia and the United States, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday. “We note with satisfaction that Damascus has confirmed its readiness in p.. 더보기 시리아 내전, 생화학 무기까지? Syria crisis: 'Strong evidence' of chemical attacks, in SaraqebBy Ian PannellBBC News, SaraqebIan Pannell reports from inside Saraqeb, where he met doctors and those they treated. Guidance: This video contains disturbing imagesContinue reading the main storySyria conflictChemical attacksUnwinnable warNo easy answersIsrael's 'red line'The BBC has been shown evidence which appears to corroborate r.. 더보기 이전 1 2 다음